Selasa, 22 Maret 2016


Once upon a time, in the middle of the sea there was a big ship and the pirates who lived in there for quietly long time. Although he loved his ship, but The pirates wasn’t look happy, because he just spent his life alone in the ship. And he always tried to find the inhabited island for begin his new life.
            In his morning, he just done the same thing. He woke up by bird’s humming  and welcoming by the sunrise also followed by the wave thundering. He had a breakfast with limited food stock which he got from island to island. Then, he never forgot to uncased the seil ship while looking for the new inhabited island to live by his tube. It looked very borred for him, but sometimes, he entertained himself by fishing in the morning or he will be very excited if there ware a group of dolphin that jump along in the sea. “oh my kids! Papa love your dance, whooho!” that he said when he saw the dolphin.
            “oh the lord of the sea! Where will I find a new life here? It is been a very long time to me. I am too old to take care of my self so far.” He always shouted that all his road while he was looking for the island. In his daily activity on the ship, he still felt sad and borred. “oh the lord of the sea! I hope that is the island where I can begin my new life happily” sometimes, he shouted like that if he found a new islands. The brave and strong pirates on the stories we know so far also needs a careness and adorable. Not just human, but also the pirates who doesn’t want to be alone and lonely.

 Scenario of the short movie by audio listening on English Class.
Created by :
1. Fatriyani Bonur Lubis      NPM. 1516031026
2. Izzati Awanis                    NPM. 1516031042
3. Tiara Dewi Surahmat       NPM. 1516031028
4. Naufal Dwi Putra             NPM. 1516031052
5. Areif Rizky Ramadhan    NPM. 1516031018

Senin, 14 Maret 2016


Lesson                                    :
            Bahasa Inggris
Lecturer                                 :
            Andi Windah, S.I.Kom.,MComn&MediaSt.
A members of the group       :
1.      Fatriyani Bonur Lubis             NPM 1516031026
2.      Ragisthi Pricillia P                  NPM 1516031016
3.      Rahmi Dwi Alyani                  NPM 1516031026
4.      Andini Mustika N                   NPM 1516031066
5.      Pratnyaparamitha TIK            NPM 1516031068
6.      Taufik Qurrahman                  NPM 1516031108
7.      Wahyu Tri Pamungkas            NPM 1516031010
8.      Muhammad Eriansyah            NPM 1516031086
9.      Naufal Dwi Putra                    NPM 1516031052

            UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime. The international community/organization confronts a host of menaces, including illicit drugs, threats to security and health and new and emerging crimes and also this world organization is include in PBB organization. UNODC helps Governments react to the instability and insecurity caused by crimes like the smuggling of illicit drugs, weapons, natural resources, counterfeit goods and human beings between countries and continents. Through educational campaigns and by basing its approach on scientific findings, UNODC tries to convince youth not to use illicit drugs, drug-dependent people to seek treatment and Governments to see drug use as a health problem, not a crime.
            So, our group agree if this organization can help to recover the drugs disease because this organization has a lot of program, there are The three pillars of the UNODC work programme are:
  • Field-based technical cooperation projects to enhance the capacity of Member States to counteract illicit drugs, crime and terrorism
  • Research and analytical work to increase knowledge and understanding of drugs and crime issues and expand the evidence base for policy and operational decisions
  • Normative work to assist States in the ratification and implementation of the relevant international treaties, the development of domestic legislation on drugs, crime and terrorism, and the provision of secretariat and substantive services to the treaty-based and governing bodies


Our group have an opinion about solving this drugs problem. We know that drugs already take a role in the world wide problem in the world, so as a young generation we shold have a role to introduce and act to all people if using a drug just can make a negative impact of our live.

Senin, 07 Maret 2016


                Hello, Bloggers! I am so glad because today I can turn back to my blog and write something (btw, I AM SO E X C I T E D TO DEATH!!!). But in this chance, I WONT write something that talking 'bout social political or science (honestly, It just can make me sleep in front of my laptop. Xoxo).
                Usually, if someome write about himself, he will write his name at the beginning of his introduction, because someone’s ‘name’ is an absolute identity for him, for everyone, for you and for..ever. WELL, Talking about name, this topic is really interesting me to make a new longer-post in my blog-dashboard. Let us call “A miracle behind Fatriyani Bonur Lubis”. So, do not ever miss a sentence even for a word hehe !
                BISMILLAH! Im so nervous to tell you, bc it is one of my privacy. If my parents read this post, I am S U R E they’ll be craping me. BUT, HERE WE G O! O k a y,Fatriyani Bonur Lubis, honestly I didn’t like my name since I was kid(I am sorry mom, dad). Don’t you know, bloggers? I was confidance to write my full name when I was senior high school. Usually, I wrote my name with abbreviation, although it was on my book-exercise, presence, social media account, and many others. I just wrote down my name by “Fatriyani BL or Fatriyani B Lubis”, because I think my name was culottes and weird.
                I rememberd one moment, when I was a new student in junior high school, my class-teacher did an introduction to all the students. She called our full name one by one then asked what was the meaning of our name, and when there was my turn,It felt like a nightmare to me, because I couldn’t answer! you know,I never know the meaning of my name. I was so shy at the time, in front of my teacher and my new friends. So,When I went home,I was very curious to asked my parents about my name, but surprisingly, they just simply answered “we also don’t know the meaning of your name, because it was a granting of your grandparents.”, hearing from their answer, I just couldn’t imagine, what is the function of my name? it was weird and meaningless. C o m p l e t e.
                But bloggers, time past time, a pride arise within me, I just feel lucky to having my name so far. Right now, Iam very proud if everybody call me by name Fatriyani Bonur Lubis. Most of Bataknesse said that my name is very powerful and affect my life, so I have to thankful to my grandparents.
                My parents say “a name is a pray”, and I think my grandparents give me a blessing by this name till the rest of my live. Although I don’t know what is the meaning of my name, but who i know by this name till know, it just bring me up to grow up as a kind, brave and strong girl. On this miracle, i'd to say something -> Dear my grandparents, thankyou for always praying for me, by my name, Fatriyani Bonur Lubis.

so, Bloggers! in this special&limited edition post, i want to share a few of my pride that my name already created for me. im so happy when i see my name was written in those picture (just a few pict, not all)